Musings on the First Night of Retirement

retirement chamber

My Favorite Spot in the House

It is the sense of the sublime that we have to regard as the root of man’s creative activities in art, thought and noble living.  Just as no flora has ever fully displayed the hidden vitality of the earth, so has no work of art ever brought to expression the depth of the unutterable, in the sight of which the souls of saints, poets and philosophers live.  the attempt to convey what we see and cannot say is the everlasting theme of mankind’s unfinished symphony, a venture in which adequacy is never achieved.  Only those who live on borrowed words believe in their gift of expression.  A sensitive person knows that the intrinsic, the most essential, is never expressed.

Abraham Joshua Heschel, Man is Not Alone

At 2:22 this afternoon, I closed the door to Room 114 for the last time and walked away from my school and into retirement.  Crossing the parking lot, I couldn’t resist one last photo that I may pull up to view from time to time.  Or perhaps not.  Friday morning was the last time I saw my students, but I needed the rest of that day, along with Saturday and today to dispose properly twenty-eight years of responsibilities and memories.  I had no idea how much work it would require to bring closure.

Tonight has been truly soothing.  I posted some video footage on facebook of two of the murals I created while I was on that campus.  And I managed to get in some quality reading time.  But for the most part, I just sat and soaked up the feelings of being free from the job that has held me for so long.

There are many exciting things on the horizon and I am glad to turn my attention to them. But I wanted to post something to my blogging friends just to say, Yes, I finally retired, and am happy to open a new chapter.

Thanks for reading.

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16 Responses to “Musings on the First Night of Retirement”

  1. Xraypics Says:

    Congratulations on your retirement David! A new start, a new direction, and new things to occupy your time, which if my experience is anything to go by, becomes shorter and shorter, contrary to most people’s expectations. I am looking forward to following your moves from now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • davidtripp Says:

      Tony, as if it wasn’t already grand, waking this morning without going to work, I was greeted by your friendly words. Yes, this is a great experience and I’m so happy to be stepping into the light.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Julia B. Says:

    Good luck in your new life! I’ve been retired for 8 years and, following my passions for sketching and painting, I find my whole life has come to a new place, satisfying and full of wonderful choices. I’m sure you will be greatly fulfilled as long as you follow your bliss. Live each day like it’s your last, decide how you and your art can contribute in a positive way to your patch of the world, and you will have a rich and wonderful retirement.


    • davidtripp Says:

      Thank you, Julia, for such inspiring encouragement. I have waited so long for this, and am hungry for this new start. My studio has been vacant too long, and there is a large stack of books waiting.


  3. Cheryl Rose Says:

    Congratulations again on your retirement! We know that word really doesn’t apply to you! You just shortened your list! We look forward to seeing you continue your work! Art and writing!


  4. Donna C, Artist Says:

    Congratulations! The world has just gotten a bit wider and more open for you — new vistas to view, old ones to contemplate… Enjoy the first days of true relaxation as you begin your new normal!


  5. Espirational Says:



  6. Pablo Cuzco Says:

    Welcome to the second life.


  7. Carol Says:

    Congratulations, David! I am very happy for you and can’t wait to see what you do with your free time, although I expect it will involve painting 🎨 Enjoy relaxing for a while first ☕️


  8. Jay Haeske Says:



  9. stardustbloggersinn Says:

    Have fun♥️


  10. wangarattacohousing Says:

    A full stop to work and all those people and achievements. I decided it was too hard and am keeping on working. Learning to blog is my slow easing into retirement. Good luck to you. From Australia


    • davidtripp Says:

      Thank you for posting. I wish you the very best as you ease into retirement. I have found it to be very rewarding, and I’m actually enjoying the blogging more since I’ve stepped into that zone.


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