Painting at Winter Sunrise

Days that begin with painting are better than those that do not

When the early morning light quietly

grows above the mountains . . .

                        The world’s darkening never reaches

                           to the light of Being.

                        We are too late for the gods and too

                           early for Being. Being’s poem,

                           just begun, is man.

Martin Heidegger, “The Thinker as Poet”

The dogs always wake me before daylight. This morning is no exception, though it is one degree outside. After feeding, the dogs returned to bed, but it’s too late for me; thoughts move too quickly for me to return to sleep now. Studio Eidolons was dark as I resumed work on this watercolor, so I turned on a swing arm lamp and began. As I worked, I soon became aware of a change in the quality of light on the page. I looked up to see the sun peeking through the suburban horizon of trees. Recalling this passage from Heidegger, I looked it up and now share it with my fellow artists who embrace the invitation to create. And as I work, my song goes out to The Twelve, wondering if any of them found the studio at this hour. In thirty-three days we will join together to celebrate the new opening of The Gallery at Redlands. I can hardly wait for the first time when we finally get to sit together as a group and pour out our hearts in earnest conversation about the stirrings of the heart that urge us to create.

Thanks for reading.

I make art in order to discover.

I journal when I feel alone.

I blog to remind myself I am not alone.

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4 Responses to “Painting at Winter Sunrise”

  1. doubledacres Says:

    I too look forward to our gathering together to celebrate the opening of the gallery. I am very excited.


  2. davidtripp Says:

    9 Texans and 3 Missourians–you’re going to love this constellation of creators!


  3. sienablue Says:

    I have a mental image of this tribe of artists convening and beginning an epic journey. Grateful in advance that you will be sharing the fruit of these conversations and all your art with the rest of us via blogging.


  4. davidtripp Says:

    Thank you for writing that. I’m grateful for every time I’ve been fortunate to gather with kindred spirits in a Cafe or studio atmosphere. I didn’t see this one coming but already I respond with joy and anticipation. Thank you for being a major player in this “virtual” gathering of artistic spirits! I promise I will continue to write.


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