Pouring, Masking and Drybrushing Trees in Watercolor

Stockyard Background Foliage

Today has been given mostly to studying the tree cover behind the Fort Worth Stockyards and trying to find ways of matching my pouring, masking and drybrushing efforts to the colors and textures there.  This has meant hours of masking, pouring, removing the masking and re-masking new areas, drybrushing, salting and occasionally sandpapering.  I seem to spend more time staring at the photographs and painting than actually painting.

During break periods, I have been reading and reflecting with great satisfaction over the Collected Writings of Robert Motherwell.  I love this man’s intellect, his aesthetic and his way of analyzing trends in art history.  I have also enjoyed reading from this huge coffee table volume: Andy Warhol “Giant” Size.  I just finished reading the first two chapters, and am fascinated with his overall life, his taking the New York advertising scene over by force, and especially his idea of opening the Factory.

Thanks for reading.

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5 Responses to “Pouring, Masking and Drybrushing Trees in Watercolor”

  1. ulmoxl5 Says:

    Mr. Tripp, thank you for sharing your work. What first caught my fancy was the way you captured trees. Of course, I have since gone on to admire many different aspects of your paintings and I sincerely wish you many delightful and pleasant moments with this composition.

    Best wishes,

    Michael Kowalski
    Los Angeles


    • davidtripp Says:

      Michael, thank you so much for your kind remarks. I am my own worst critic when it comes to the way I handle trees, and I really appreciate your encouragement more than I can express. Thank you for looking at my work. I wish you all the best in your endeavors as well. I love Los Angeles and look forward to the day when I can return to that magnificent city.


      • ulmoxl5 Says:

        David, you are so very welcome. I only recently discovered your work but it’s like you’ve rejuvenated those sweet lights from my childhood, when I was young and the world was new and I saw so very many sweet new things. The wonderful lights in your trees, the mixes of your pigments and everything in between. Your work is so lovely, I even stopped painting just because the mastery so evident in your work was a show stopper for me.

        God bless your eyes, your hands and even your workspace, where ever it may be.

        The Lucky Strike piece is genius and a real pleasure to see. I hope to be able to keep following your progress on the Stockyard too. I especially like your use of “vignette” framing (if that’s what it’s called) – Just a splash of color in the middle of the paper but what a splash of color! Thanks so much for being so generous with your work. It’s a real inspiration.


      • davidtripp Says:

        Michael, you are inspiring me to push onward, thank you. I hope you will take up the brush again. I know how it feels, the inclination to put it down when looking at the works of others (happens to me almost daily). I just have to keep reminding myself that I have my own path to discover, and cannot expect to follow someone else’s. No doubt the artists I envy also have those they envy as well. We’re all in the same boat–all of us cannot help but respond to the world around us, and the world in us. I do appreciate all you’ve written today and what it has done for my own attitude.


      • ulmoxl5 Says:

        Thanks David. I am indeed now more inclined to pick up the brush again. I also write and model in digital 3D so my envy of other artists is three-fold… or I am a glutton for punishment. 🙂 I enjoy your blog as well as your painting and I’ll check in often. Keep up the good work and I hope the critic in you finds frequent distractions. c’est la bon


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