Rest in Peace, Kramer

Artist with his Cat

Artist with his Cat

I don’t feel like making art today.  I’m posting a picture taken from my local newspaper article a couple of years back, with Kramer my cat on the chair beside me, always believing he belonged wherever the attention was directed.

I came home today after school to find my cat of twelve years dead in his bed.  I knew all day this was going to happen.  When I entered the kitchen this morning, he only opened his eyes and looked at me, then closed them again.  He never got up for breakfast.  Never even raised his head.  Made no sound.  Always before, he howled and yowled at breakfast time, as I could never get his food out fast enough to suit him.  I knew.  He looked good when I came home and found him, the same way I left him, curled tightly with that seeming grin on his face.  I once read that fatigue was the cat’s favorite pillow.

I called the vet to ensure that the city was O.K. with burial of pets on our property, as long as they are at least a foot under the ground.  Kramer loved the tree in the backyard, and ususally hung out next to this sculpture purchased in San Angelo about ten years ago.  So, he rests beneath the tree now, and the sculpture has become his headstone.  The Man Cave is different now, because he’s not sleeping in the chair beside me.

Rest in peace, little friend.  We had a dozen good years together.


Kramer's Resting Place

Kramer’s Resting Place

Thanks for reading.

35 Responses to “Rest in Peace, Kramer”

  1. Barbara Says:

    Dr. Tripp, I’m so very sorry for your loss.


  2. 8 Degrees of Latitude Says:

    He has a permanent sunning spot now, David, and he’s still with you. I would have liked to have known Kramer.


  3. Angeline M Says:

    The loss of a pet is so hard. I’m so sorry for your loss. Kramer’s resting place looks so serene with the dappled sunlight.


  4. Donna C Says:

    Such a handsome boy! Much sympathy (and empathy as I’ve been there before) to you and for the empty places he leaves. You chose a perfect spot for him. So very sorry for your loss…


  5. coreyaber Says:

    David, I am very sorry to hear that. Always hard to lose a pet, and harder, I imagine, when he’s a painting companion. He sounds like a wonderful cat. Your comments remind me of my own cat who, while not quite the painting companion, can certainly wake the neighborhood when he’s hungry at 5 a.m. Best wishes.


  6. Deanna Tennent Masterson Says:

    So sad for you to lose your beloved pet….Kramer looks gorgeous in the photo. my deepest sympathies because I know this is heartbreaking & you will miss him for a long time.


  7. lifeofawillow Says:

    rest in peace. may you have much comfort from his memory and from all of nature around you.


  8. redharparts Says:

    It is so sad to loose a pet-friend. I send my condolences.


  9. jenniferalicechandler Says:

    I too am sorry for your loss. My cat Snug died years ago, and I still dream about him sometimes.


  10. Xraypics Says:

    So sorry to hear about Kramer. It is sad when a loved pet passes on – it sounds as though he had a good life, and you will have lots to thank him for. We too are mourning the loss of our dog Raffiki who ran off into the bush on Easter Sunday and just never returned. We like to think he is still “out there” but we miss him badly. My sympathy and empathy. Tony


  11. Playamart - Zeebra Designs Says:

    lo siento; i’m so sorry that your painting companion will no longer ride copilot in your studio. kramer was a beautiful cat and was obviously well loved. may you find positive ways to dodge your grief…


    • davidtripp Says:

      Thank you. He had a rough time the past 6 months, but before that, it felt good to have him curl up in the director’s chair next to my drafting stool while I painted. I miss that.


  12. BJR Says:

    I’m so, so sorry! You chose a beautiful resting spot!


  13. Merry Insouciant Says:

    David, I was so sorry to read about the death of your beautiful cat. For such little things, pets certainly fill large spaces. He was obviously well-loved in a world often cruel to animals. Thank you for that. My deepest sympathies.


    • davidtripp Says:

      Thank you for the comforting word. Yes, for such small creatures, they do occupy a larger-than-expected space. I do notice the void now that he used to fill.


  14. mark green Says:

    Sorry David. Pets are like family after awhile. My daughter’s cat loves her dearly and gently paws her face when LJ talks to her. It is a sorrow. I wish you peace.


    • davidtripp Says:

      Thanks, Mark. My cat wasn’t a “bonding” cat until his last few years. There’s nothing like it, and I miss the feel. He got really sick these past few months, and I’m glad to know he’s now at rest.


  15. terpstube Says:

    So sorry for your loss. I know words don’t mean much at a time like this. You are a man of many creative talents. Art, music and the written word. It has been my experience that people like you that are so creative and kind hearted also feel loss deeply. I hope time will pass quickly to where you only remember the happy moments with your friend and companion and the hurt will fade to the background. It’s been an honor getting to know you at work my friend. You bring out the positive thoughts in people. That’s a gift.


    • davidtripp Says:

      Gary, you’ve been such an inspiration to me this past school year, and I could never thank you enough for all the encouragement you gave freely. I wish you the best this summer, and thanks always for the way you’ve inspired me to keep the blog flowing.


      • terpstube Says:

        Thanks so much. You are an amazing artist and your blog has given me hours of fun. Keep on keeping on my friend. You’re providing a great service for art lovers worldwide. One of the things I love about you blog is after a hard day it’s such a peaceful place to unwind.


      • davidtripp Says:

        Thanks so much. As for myself, I am truly uplifted when I come home at the end of the day and find such affirming comments waiting for me on the blog. I’m touched by them all.


  16. Connie Kerr Says:

    it sounds like he had a peaceful trip home, though the small kitty gate to heaven.. now without pain.


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