Coffee to Go


The boat will arrive in less than two hours to pick me up, and I considered dashing out one more painting to round out the collection at twenty, but what is the significance of a number? I’m pleased that I managed nineteen in six days. I plugged in the gas-powered generator to churn out my two cups of coffee, and decided that painting #19 would feature my daily coffee cup.


Before packing them away, I sat down at the conference table in my dwelling and took one more look at the body of work I cranked out this week, wrote for awhile in my journal, and then decided it was time to sit outside and do nothing as I wait for my ride.


So long for now, and a thousand “thank yous” to all of you who kept me company this past week.


Thanks always for reading.

I paint in order to remember.
I journal when I feel alone.
I blog to remind myself that I am not alone.

9 Responses to “Coffee to Go”

  1. Cassie Lorentson Says:

    Wonderful work!


  2. Playamart - Zeebra Designs Says:

    the seascapes remind me of homer’s… you must have a bit of a torn feeling, leaving the cocoon of the island and merging back to that other life.


  3. Xraypics Says:

    There’s a moment of whimsy. You will be back home now re aligning your mind and your life, enjoying the sensation of being home, missing the solitude and peace which comes dropping free from the veils of the dawn to where the cricket sings.


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