Painting Holiday Subjects

This is the first time I’ve had the urge to paint Indian corn. Finding some in my local grocery, I packed the bundle for my trip home to St. Louis.  I managed to crank this one out on my first day here. And I found the subject a difficult one, just as I did the seashell studies a couple of years ago. I was caught off guard, thinking corn would be a simple study.

I experimented with salt and bread crumbs on the background, and tried to render the fine lines in the shucks with pencils and X-acto knife. The kernels I found the most difficult, because of the highlights on nearly every one, and my pigments always dried duller than I wished. I’m thinking seriously of trying a second painting of this. 

Thanks for reading.

I paint in order to learn.

I journal when I feel alone. 

I blog to remind myself that I am not alone. 

4 Responses to “Painting Holiday Subjects”

  1. Michael Richards (certainline) Says:

    A stunning painting, David.


  2. letspaintnature Says:

    It’s gorgeous!


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