The Gift of Daylight Savings Time


Nietzsche concluded that the current lack of myths consigns modern man to deracination. Modern people seek to anchor themselves with possessions, technology, science, and the archives of history.
Rudiger Safranski, Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography
Getting that extra hour of sleep worked magic on this morning! Driving eight hours to Corpus Christi on a Friday after school generally leaves me low on energy the next day. Retiring early to bed last night resulted in waking at seven this morning to a beautiful view of the bay.


With coffee, I opened this biography on Nietzsche to the chapter discussing his views on art, and I am always delighted to read others’ thoughts on beauty. And what I read made me happier than ever not to be bogged down with business this day. In a few hours I will pick up my load of 22 framed watercolors to take back home with me as my show here in Corpus Christi closes. But for now, I’m delighting in the quiet solitude of my gracious hosts’ back deck, and combining some excellent reading with pencil sketching of the trees in this back yard.
Thanks for reading.
I make art as I relax.
I journal when I feel alone.
I blog to remind myself that I am not alone.

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