Thanksgiving Musings

imageBefore I sign off for this Thanksgiving Day, I thought I would post to the blog once more, about the question of beauty.

I knew while I was taking art classes in high school that I was attracted to abandoned buildings, and wondered how one could call such a subject matter for art “beautiful.”  The Andrew Wyeth drybrush studies drew me in, because he was always painting ruined architectural structures in Pennsylvania and Maine.  Every time I looked at his paintings, I thought of the outbuildings on my grandparents’ farms in all their ramshackle appearance.  I liked the look, and still do.  I think that stories ooze from the details of such buildings.

This tire shop I came across in Atoka County Oklahoma arrested my attention to the point that I turned my vehicle around several miles down the highway and went back to see it and photograph it.  Now, leading up to this Thanksgiving Day, I have watercolor sketched the site three times, and feel that I am just now “getting into” the subject.  I think it deserves some short stories, some poems, some word sketches to depict it.  And it is highly possible that I will be doing something further with the subject before I return to work next Monday.  In the meantime, I am looking over these three watercolor attempts and pondering my next move.

Thanks for reading.

I paint in order to remember.

I journal when I feel alone.

I blog to remind myself that I am not alone.

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8 Responses to “Thanksgiving Musings”

  1. Reality Deity Says:

    These paintings are very are very talented! :


  2. terpstube Says:

    Hey David. Figured this was the easiest way to contact you. You wanted to know when this story came out. Here it is my friend. Enjoy.

    Deaf Fullback, Interpreter Breaking Down Sound Barriers (Open Caption)


  3. terpstube Says:

    Just click on the link at the top of the post to see the video


  4. Xraypics Says:

    Like you I have an attraction for old buildings. In this country you can buy and sell old wooden buildings and have them moved onto a new site. We once visited a huge field full of old houses for sale. It was eerie walking around inside, dust, open a cupboard and smell the previous owners perfume, a rubber duck in the corner of the bathroom, layer upon layer of worn linoleum in the kitchen. What stories the old place could tell. It’s wonderful that you are recording what you have found, and displaying the beauty in your eye.


    • davidtripp Says:

      Boy, you certainly triggered some memories there. Back in the 80’s I pastored a small church, living in a parsonage that was over a hundred years old. I revisited the place about seven years ago, finding it ready to cave in. Entering the house, I was amazed at all the “ghosts” of memories that flooded my senses as I walked from room to room, remembering. I have done three watercolors of the building from the outside, but could never bring myself to attempt any interior paintings of it.


  5. Xraypics Says:

    Yes, I think there are two sorts of memory; the actual memory that comes as a familiar ghost and plucks your heart-strings, and an implied memory that appears, a shade, recognisable but unfamiliar, insinuating stories that you never quite knew, leaving you with a void. We have often re-visited our old homes but they were full of life, new stories being made, so lacked the poignancy you describe – your old parsonage neglected and collapsing. Thankyou for sharing that story. Part of me wants you to confront the ghost and make your painting, the other side would rather you leave the mystery and let those shadows be.


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